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Scenarios 8,9 locat...
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Scenarios 8,9 location data

Joined: 1 month ago
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Hello everyone,

Could you, please, give some more info how the the GPS-RTK measurements were calibrated in scenarios 8 and 9? There is quite a difference between the raw and calibrated positions, interesting why did it happen.. Also, are there, perhaps, any thoughts why after the calibration the points take such an interesting triangular shape, as if all the car passes converge into a small point in the north but are much more dispersed at the start in the south?

Thank you

This topic was modified 1 month ago 2 times by Hikaru

Member Admin
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 1

Thank you for your question, Hikaru.

Both can be answered with the same fact: The GPS measurements were calibrated by offsetting the initial position of each sequence to the same point. This point is known beforehand because the data collection started close to the same position on the street. Therefore, all sequences begin at the same point and then accumulate noise as time progresses, leading to that triangular shape. 



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